Thursday, September 12th


For it stands in Scripture:  See I lay a stone in Zion, a chosen and honored cornerstone, and the one who believes in him will never be put to shame.”  1 Peter 2:6 

Lord Jesus, you are the cornerstone of my salvation, my faith and my life.  If I base my life and my confidence on anything else, I am left shaking; I am afraid; I am stressed.  I’m foolish to do it.  I’m so foolish to base my confidence and my hope on anything else.  It will all let me down.  My accomplishments won’t last.  My works aren’t ever enough.  When I base my confidence on anything but you, I am always let down.  You, Lord Jesus, are the only one who will never let me down.  Turn my heart and my faith to you alone.  Then and in you alone, I will never be let down.  I will never be ashamed or embarrassed because you are my Savior and my cornerstone.  Amen.