Saturday, August 3rd


“Honor your father and mother”-which is the first commandment with a promise--”so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.”  Ephesians 6:2-3 

Dear Jesus, Thank you for the parents you gave me who fought with their own human nature every day to rise above selfishness to give me their best and save the left overs for themselves.  Thank you for how they tirelessly taught, corrected, supported and encouraged me.  Thank you for how they forgave me for my sins and refused to remind me of how I embarrassed them with my mistakes.  Thank you for the vacations, the family meals, the rides to church, the laughs, the visits and the words of blessing right before they departed.  You have them safe with you now.  Please tell them how much I appreciate their lives spent on me and my siblings.  The gifts you gave me through them are still blessing me here.  Help children everywhere to bless their parents with honor for the gift they receive through them.  Amen. 

Parental figures are a gift from the heavenly Father no matter how imperfect they may seem.