“When Peter saw him, he said to Jesus, ‘Lord, what about him?’ ‘If I want him to remain until I come,’ Jesus answered, ‘What is that to you? As for you, follow me.’ “ John 21:21-22
Lord Jesus, sometimes as I take up my cross to follow you, I look around at other Christ-followers and start comparing crosses. I start wondering why their cross doesn’t look like mine. I start wondering why their following doesn’t look like mine. That’s what I see Peter doing here. But you have such wisdom for Peter, “You, follow me. Don’t worry about what his cross will look like. You do you. Worry about the cross you will carry as you follow me. He will do the same.” Lord Jesus, forgive me comparing my crosses with the crosses of other Christians. Forgive me for boasting about my crosses when I look at theirs. Set me free to only carry my cross and help others carry their crosses. You have called me to follow you, Jesus. Give me strength and courage to do it. Amen.