“For he chose us in him before the creation of the world, to be holy and blameless in love before him.” Ephesians 1:4
Dearest Lord Jesus, I can’t believe it. It seems to be good too good to be true. I know well my failures and my flaws. I know well how I have sinned against you and against so many other people. But you chose me to be yours. You redeemed me with your own blood. You made me holy and blameless through your blood and perfect life. You picked and chose me to be yours. What a precious choosing! Lord Jesus, now I pray, keep me in this faith to which you have called me. Keep me from falling away from this grace you gave me. Keep me from wandering away after my own devices. Lord Jesus, just as you chose me in love to be yours, so in love keep me safe in the faith until I reach eternity with you. Amen.