“By faith Jacob, when he was dying, blessed each of Joseph’s sons, and worshiped as he leaned on the top of his staff.” Hebrews 11:21
Dear Heavenly Father, The blessings of Joseph on his sons came true because you were speaking through him. I don’t have special blessings that you have given me to speak over my grandchildren but I do have blessings from you that are for all people including them. I can learn to speak those blessings to them and over them. Too many people don’t ever talk about you in their families and homes. They hear about you at church but then it seems you are put in a box during the week as we go about our personal lives. Help me to get your promises out of my heart over my lips and into the minds and hearts of my children and grandchildren. Help me give them the positive destiny and identity that you have promised them. They are heirs of heaven. They are your own children that you watch over and encourage and lead. They are a blessing to many others and their lies matter. Even hardships in their lives are a way you prepare them for greater impact. I can tell them these things and give their lives your divine blessing and perspective. Thank you for giving me so much to give them. By faith I will bless my family like Jacob did. Amen.
The promises of God are low hanging fruit to pluck and bless your family with.