Tuesday, May 7th


“I made your name known to them and will continue to make it known, so that the love you have loved me with may be in them and I may be in them.”  John 17:26

Dear Father, Your love for me is beyond all knowing and all expression and yet your Son wants me to know it better.He is the one who makes known your love for me.By his coming, his living and his dying you show me that there is nothing that you wouldn’t do for me.You deeply loved your own Son, yet you gave him up for me!Me!I can hardly believe it sometimes.That you would love me so deeply and cherish me so dearly and would give up your Son for me is hard to fathom.You loved your Son from all eternity.He was and is your dearest treasure.Fill me with a higher and fuller understanding of your love.More than that, let your love dwell in my heart and spill over into my life so that my whole life is moved by your love for me.Let your love dwell in me and move my whole life. Amen