Sunday, May 26th


“By faith the prostitute Rahab, because she welcomes the spies was not killed with those who were disobedient.”  Hebrews 11:31

Dear Heavenly Father, Now wait a minute God, I know that Rahab lied when she hid those Israelite spies and yet here and in James 2, you commend her.  That challenges my pedestrian mind.  When I look closely at the story in Joshua I see her faith.  She feared you and held on to her 40 year old belief that you delivered Israel through the Red Sea.  She chose your people because they were yours.  She loved and trusted you no matter what.  It was her choice to follow you that made her do anything she felt you wanted even if meant hiding the truth from her king and his men.  Give me that faith that makes every decision about you and not me or anyone else.  Amen.

Faith knows what’s right and wrong without a rule-book to quote from.