Tuesday, May 21st


“My brothers and sisters, believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ must not show favoritism.” James 2:1

Lord God, I know he’s right.  I know this is the way that it should be.  I know that I shouldn’t give preferential treatment to someone who dresses nice.  I know that I shouldn’t give substandard treatment to those who are still dressed in their pajamas.  I know that he’s right, but I find myself judging people by their appearances and treating them according to the way they appear.  I find that I’m looking at them and forming an opinion of them long before there is anything substantial on which to base that opinion.  Forgive me, dear Jesus, and help me to see them with new eyes, with Spirit-given eyes.  Help me to see all people as those for whom you died, as people whom you desperately long to have in heaven with you.  Help me to see them as people who are valuable, simply because of your love for them.  Help me to serve them, care for them, and wait on them regardless of how their appearances seems.  Lord Jesus, this is the way in which you saw me and had mercy on me.  Help me to see all people the same and to treat them accordingly.  Amen.

Our favoritism makes us poor in God’s sight: God’s lack of favoritism makes all people rich.