Wednesday, May 15th


“For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your ancestors, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect.”  1 Peter 1:18-19

Dear Heavenly Father, What am I worth to you?  What price would you pay to get me back after I had wondered away and enslaved myself to the devil?  I cannot fully fathom that you, as a Father, would give your own perfect Son for a broken and self-defeated person like me.  But you did.  You redeemed me and now you call me your own.  Forgive me for not valuing myself at times as much as you do.  Forgive me for trashing and re-trashing my thoughts with negativity, criticism, envy and anger.  Forgive me for being selfish and petty.  Forgive me for thinking am worthless when you say I am priceless.  And give me the power of your purifying grace to rise above my self-centered feelings to make others know their worth in you by the way I handle them even when they are wandering and wayward.  Make me a life changer like you have been for me.  I ask this all for your glory and the glory of your Son who gave it all for me.  Amen.

God thinks we are worth his greatest sacrifice.  So, don’t diminish the value of any human being including yourself