Wednesday, April 17th


“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

O God, the questions that you ask are always so probing. Yes, the questions you ask are even so directing as they lead me to think about things you have told me. When you ask Joshua, “Have I not commanded you?” The answer is a simple “yes.” But there is more behind it. Because if God has commanded it, then Joshua knows he is on the right track no matter how hard it is. Because if God has promised to give success, then Joshua knows that God will bless it. Because if God is with me and even for me, Joshua cannot fail. O God, you have such a way of instilling confidence in me. You have commanded me and called me to my vocations. You have commanded me to parent, to be a spouse, to be a worker. You have put me in those places. You have commanded me to do various things. And now I know that you will bless what I do in your name and that you will be with me in every time and place. Lord God grant me courage to do the right thing even when it’s terrifying or scary. Grant me this courage because of your command and promise. Amen.