Monday, April 15th


“He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?” Romans 8:32

Dear Heavenly Father, Worry is a constant companion that begs to talk to me. I try not to listen to her, but she keeps blabbing in my ears that I need to be concerned about this or that all the time. Often I get the best of her with a bible passage about how you take care of us, but like a dog she goes away for a little while and comes right back to her pestering ways. She dogs me to think long and hard about scenarios that never happen and about possibilities for disaster. This verse you have given me puts worry in a kennel. You gave up your only Son for me, therefore you will give me the health, wealth and safety I need. If you allow some struggle it will not be because you decided to quit. It will be for my good, the good of others and for the greater story to be completed. I will not worry. I will believe. In that strength I face the day. Amen.

God sold himself to loving us when he sold out his Son. He will never renege on that contract.