“Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” Joshua 1:8
Lord God, You have spoken clearly in your Word. You have made it very clear who you are and what your will is. You are the God who has redeemed us from slavery to sin. You are the God who has promised us an eternity with you. You are the God who teaches us how to live our lives as your children in this world. You have spoken clearly to us. Put these words on my mouth and heart all day and all night. Keep sending your Spirit to remind me of all that you have spoken. Make me diligent to hear, read, study, and meditate on all that you have said to me. Forgive me, dear Lord, because I know all too well how I have despised your Word and haven’t given it the attention it is due. I have set it on the shelf and let it get too dusty. I have treated it as an answer key to life’s problems, instead of a book that gives life and breath to my soul. Lord God, your Word is good, better than any wisdom that this world has to offer. From it, you give your Son to us and make him known to us. From it, you give life and eternity to me. Lord God, help me to keep it always near me, in my heart, on my lips, so that I am careful to believe and to do all that it says. Amen.