Friday, February 1st


"Do not be wise in your own eyes, fear the Lord and shun evil." - Proverbs 3:7

Dear Heavenly Father, the first sin revealed itself when Eve felt like she was wise in her own eyes.  All too often I am overconfident in my own thoughts and my own evaluation of things. Then I make judgments which I have to take back later.  Help me to rely more on your truth and insights and not on my own opinions or those of other fallen people.  I believe that you are watching everything that all of us is thinking and doing.  Help my thoughts and actions fall in line with yours today.  I want the people in my life to see you and your ways when they look at my life.  In short, Father, I want to be like Jesus.  Help me to grow into his likeness. AMEN

 "To long to be like God in holiness is a byproduct of faith."