Saturday, November 23rd


“The end of all things is near.”  1 Peter 4:7

O Lord, Time is so short.  I forget how fleeting time is.  I forget how fleeting my life is.  I even forget your promise that you may return at any moment.  Lord, help me to remember.  Help me to remember that you may return at any moment and help me to make the most of the time that you do give.  Help me to make the most of the moments I get with my family today.  Help me to laugh and pray, to love, to learn, to lead, to worship with them.  Help me to make the most of the passing moments I get with other people today.  Help me to love them, to serve them, and most of all to tell them about you.  Time is short.  Their time to know you for the first time or to know you better is passing.  Most of all, dear Savior Jesus, help me to make the most of the time I have.  Help me to use this time to know you better, to know how deeply you love me, to know the power of our resurrection, to know the riches of my inheritance among all the saints.  And help me, then, to use every moment that you give me for you and your glory.  Time is fleeting.  You are coming.  Help me to make the most of every moment.  Amen.