Saturday, November 16th


“For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.”  Romans 12:4-5 

Dear Jesus, Thank you that you have made me part of a whole.  Help me fight the temptation to act as if I am a long integer.  Give me a love for family and the church that drives me toward them to live in community instead of orbiting outside the group like a lone satellite.  Thank you for the friends who have pulled me back over and over to keep me close to you and them.  Their words echo in my mind and I hear your voice in their tones.  I don’t always do the good things for the rest of my brothers and sisters in the faith for which you have made me.  But I want to be the blessing you intended.  So, crush my pride and stubborn lonely streak and make me use my gifts to be their relief and support.  Amen. 

If we lose ourselves in serving others, we will never be bored.