Tuesday, October 22nd


Whoever would love life and see good days must keep their tongue from evil and their lips from deceitful speech.  They must turn from evil and do good; they must seek peace and pursue it.”  1 Peter 3:10-11

Lord God, Heavenly Father, this world and many of the people are on a totally different path than I am.  Some people seek after wealth.  Others seek after acclaim and praise from people.  Still others chase what pleases them, what makes them happy.  In fact, that’s the very foundation of the American dream-” the pursuit of happiness.”  Lord God, you teach me a different way.  You teach me to pursue something different.  You teach me restraint and self-control.  You teach me to control my tongue, to watch what I say, to make sure only good and true things come out.  You teach me to flee from evil things and to pursue what is good.  You teach me to do whatever is in my power and under my control to have and keep peace.  This is the life you teach me to pursue.  You teach me to seek good and thus also to seek you, O God.  Make this my days purpose, yes, even my life’s purpose and goal.  Amen.