“Husbands, in the same way live with your wives in an understanding way, as a weaker partner, showing them honor as coheirs of the grace of life, so that your prayers will not be hindered.” 1 Peter 3:7
A prayer for husbands and men:
Lord God, We’re used to looking at life in terms of authority and positions. Some people are more important than others because of the place that they hold, because of the authority they carry. Others are more important because of what they can do for others, because of the value they bring. Some are less important and less valuable because of their position, because of what they bring to the table. At times, I can even see women and my wife in this way. It happens so easily. I think to myself, “I’m a little stronger, so I’m better.” I think to myself, “God made me the head in this marriage, so she better just bow to my will.” Ahh, God. Forgive me. That’s not taking care of my wife as my own body. That’s not living with her in an understanding way. And that certainly doesn’t recognize her as the coheir of heaven that she is. God, forgive me. She is a coheir and a co-sharer of heaven. Help me to see her as the coheir that she is and to honor her as such. Amen.