"‘Look, I have been slaving many years for you, and I have never disobeyed your orders, yet you never gave me a young goat so I could celebrate with my friends." - Luke 15:29
Dear Jesus, it is confession time! The words you put into the mouth of the older brother (in the parable) to show your friends how they sounded before God when he was giving his grace to sinners; they convict me. Too often I view my service to you like that of a spiritual "employee." I think of what's in it for me and measure how you have blessed others compared to me. I forget that we have a loving, lasting family relationship. I am your child and you have promised to give me everything I need for this body and life. I repent of being so selfish. Now help me to throw myself into loving you and serving others. I want to lose my life so I can find it again. AMEN
Taking stock of one's own blessings compared to others lowers the value of each share.