"My goal is to know Him (Jesus) and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death." - Philippians 3:10
Dear Jesus, my mind and heart gets filled with goals every day and often the goal I see in this passage is only one among many. Then when trouble comes, I chaff and complain inside. I want to know the power of your resurrection living in my heart, how I can live above my world around me, how I can refuse sin and evil and fear of suffering, how I can have hope in all situations. When I see Paul's words that he wanted to fellowship in your sufferings, it is foreign to my mind. Help me Jesus, to want to serve God's will, "come what may" so that my life reaches its full potential in your eyes, even if that means death. I entrust my life in your hands. AMEN
"We do not live until we die to our desire to ourselves."