“Be very strong; be careful to obey all that is written in the Bok of the Law of Moses, without turning aside to the right or to the left. Do not associate with these nations that remain among you; do not invoke the names of their gods or swear by them. You must not serve them or bow down to them But you are to hold fast to the Lord your God, as you have until now….So be very God.” Joshua 23:6-8, 11
Lord God, You make it clear that we, as human beings, are prone to wander and stray from you. Left to ourselves and inattentive to our walk with you, we will drift from the faith. It happens all too naturally. You made it clear when you spoke to the people in Moses’ departure. You make it clear in these closing words from Joshua. He carefully warns them and now me to be careful, to be attentive, and to stay vigilant so that I don’t wander from you. Lord God, keep me alert, watchful and full of prayer so that I don’t wander from you. Keep me faithful to you all the days of my life. Lord God, do whatever it takes to keep me as your child all the days of my life. And Lord, I ask you, do the same in the lives of my family. You also must care for them. When they are under my care I can be watchful and attentive to teach and instruct them, to train them in your ways. But when they are out of my care and even when they are in my care I must entrust them to your prayer. Lord, I fear for them because I know what I am like and I know what human beings are like, that we are prone to wander. Lord, teach me to watch and pray for them. Lord God, I entrust them to your care because you love them more than I possibly could and know what is better far more than I do. Lord, to you I entrust all those whom I love. Amen.