Thursday, September 6th


Our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all." 2 Corinthians 4:17

Dear Jesus, it is not normal to welcome disappointments and difficulties.  It is not normal to believe that there really is good to come out of a relationship difficulty.  No one I have ever met has told me that they like their health problems because ....  So, when you say that all these "abnormal" things in my life are working something good for me, I have to listen in a concentrated way.  Give me an open heart to genuinely see the spiritual and eternal benefit of all these so called "negatives."  Give me the grace to believe that you are working great things into my life through the crosses you choose for me.  Make me trust you from a heart that understands your greater good.  And when I must attend the interment of one of my own earthly dreams, give me the strength not to erect a monument over its grave and obsess so much over the loss that I do not get on with the life the you have chosen for me.  AMEN

"Through difficult relationships and circumstances God works to expose your heart so you will seek the grace that can only be found in him." - Paul David Tripp