The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love. The Lord is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made. - Psalm 145:9-10
Dear heavenly Father,
I love to hear that you are compassionate and slow to anger. I know that I could anger you every day. But you deal with me with a tender heart and hands. I also love to hear that you have compassion on all that you have made. Even each sparrow garners your attention. This thought overwhelms me with awe and appreciation. Today will be a good day because I live it under you watchful and loving eye. Do not let me fall into sin or run into any kind of danger and in all I do help me to do what is right in your sight. Make me more compassionate to all people and creatures, as well. Amen
No Christian is fatherless. No believer is an orphan.
Additional Reading: Psalm 37, Psalm 103, Psalm 104