Sunday, June 24th


One thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. - Philippians 3:13-14

Dear Jesus,

I easily live in the past.  I get stuck in regret over my sins, bad decisions, and glaring mistakes or I get caught inwardly gloating over perceived success.  But if I do either for very long, I cease to live in the moment with you and this precious moment gets lost in the past.  Give me the heart of the Apostle Paul, forgetting that which is behind and seizing today to live in anticipation of heaven.  It’s your grace that covers my past sins and frees me from my regrets.  It’s your grace that outshines my past achievements, too.    I want to finish strong in your redeeming grace. So, help me preserve the present moment by turning my face toward my final destiny with you.  


Jesus frees us from our entire past so we can live this present moment to the fullest in him.

Additional Readings: Luke 21:25-28, Revelation 1