"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding." Proverbs 3:5
Dear Heavenly Father, this verse is counter to everything I have naturally thought since I was conceived! Since the day I was born, my brain has been collating, evaluating, and mastering the data of the world around me. So often it helps me to do the right thing and be effective in many situations. I have learned to trust my own perception and understanding of big and little situations around me. But I do not naturally trust you and the way you guide my life. I don't naturally trust your promise to turn out everything for my good. I start out every day trying to be in control. That's why in my soul, I rejoice in this little famous verse. It frees me from the burden of trying to figure everything out and it confronts my desire to judge every situation with raw reason. Dear Father, help me trust you today in those matters that overwhelm me and give me the supernatural power and wisdom to be the child that lets you drive. AMEN
Trusting God makes us a childlike adult, deciding to follow God into selfless sacrifice for others and not scream like a child until we get our way.
Additional Readings: Ecclesiastes 11:1-6, Romans 1:33-36, 1 Corinthians 13, James 4:13-15