Friday, March 9th


The heavens declare the glory of God. The skies show the work of his hands.  - Psalm 19:1

Dear Lord, I see your creativity and amazing power in every sunrise and sunset. They remind me that you are there and that you govern everything happening under them.  It gives me peace to know that it is your gracious and forgiving hand that turns the world and paints the sky. I know how little I deserve your blessing, but I also know that I am loved as much as everyone else. I will dedicate myself to loving everyone today in the same way that you paint skies for the evil and the good. Amen

God loves each of us so much that he counts our hairs every morning, and paints us a picture in the skies every night.


Additional Reading: Psalm 50, Psalm 89, Isaiah 40:21-22, Acts 14:14-18, Romans 1:18-20