Prevailing Hope

Exodus 5-9


Further up and further in: Psalm 61, Ephesians 3-4

1 Peter 1:21 – Through him you believe in God, who raised him from the dead and gave him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God.

Lord God, the power and glory of the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead gives me such hope for my future, such hope for my life, such hope for my eternity.  Your resurrection, Lord Jesus, assures me that you have finished the work of salvation and have secured for me the forgiveness of sins.  Your resurrection, Lord Jesus, shows me that you have conquered death and have overcome every enemy of mine.  Your power, O God, which is so evident when I see you raise your Son from the dead raises up hope in me that there is nothing beyond your control.  You are on my side!  No thing can separate me from you.  Let the hope that springs from your resurrection, Lord Jesus, inspire me this week as I work for you.  Amen.