He gives me identity and purpose.


Leviticus 1-4


Further up and further in: Genesis 6-8

1 Peter 2:5 – You yourselves, as living stones, a spiritual house, are being built to be a holy priesthood to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.

Lord God, there are a lot of things that amaze me.  It amazes me that you even want me to be a stone in your spiritual house, especially since I keep on sinning even after I know better.  And yet, God, you still cleanse me by your Spirit and build me into your house, as a stone mason would. This amazes me!  But what astounds me just as much, sometimes even more is this: You want me to serve you and you love what I do in faith.  You love the way that I take care of my family.  You love the way that I serve at my church.  You love the way that I neighbor the people who live around me.  Whatever I do in faith, you love it and it smells good to you.  The sacrifice of my life smells good to you.  Help me, O God, to realize this awesome privilege and continue to offer up spiritual sacrifices, a life that pleases you.  Amen.