“Peace be with you, as the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” John 20:21
Dear Jesus, On your day of resurrection you delivered the very thing we all long for, peace. You delivered peace with God the Father. Now I know he has reconciled himself to me by sending you. You have given me peace about my past. Now, I can see that you have been watching over the good and the bad to make me into the person I am today. I have peace about the present, you are with me and will help me with everything. I have peace about the future. It is all going to work out okay either in this life or the place you are preparing for me. I have peace! There is no other way to get this kind of peace apart from following you. And I love it! Thanks from the bottom of my heart. Now, who is it you want to send me to? I will gladly deliver your peace to whomever is ready to receive it.
“If someone says they have peace apart from Christ, they are either lying or woefully naïve about what they will soon face.”