Tuesday, November 6th


But if he remains silent, who can condemn him? If he hides his face, who can see him? Yet he is over individual and nation alike, - Job 34:29

Dear God, you hide yourself and what you are doing from me and it drives me crazy.  I spend so much time and energy trying to figure out my life.  After much thinking, talking and praying it still doesn't make sense.  I cannot understand all your ways.  I cannot understand half of your ways.  I cannot understand 1/10 of your ways.  I think I am starting to get it that I am to find peace in letting go of the hope of making sense of everything.  Your love and promise to be God of my life in grace is enough.  I will stop being irritated with your silence since I know you can handle the universe just as you did before you formed me.  AMEN

"Rest is not found in figuring out your life, but in trusting the One who has it already figured out for your good and his glory." - Paul David Tripp