Tuesday, October 30th


"I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me." - John 10:14

 Dear Jesus, too often I feel alone with my thoughts and emotions just wandering through life looking for pasture.  But I feel the most loved and settled and at peace when I fix my thoughts on you and think hard about your words and what they mean for me personally.  I can tell when people speak whether or not their thoughts are in line with your words.  Your words are simple, clear truth and they comfort me.  They give truth and they give grace.  You are the good shepherd of my soul.  I am not a wandering sheep.  I am a lamb in your pasture. I will feed on your words and I will work hard at not needing any other approval other than what you gave at your cross for me. AMEN

"There is nothing more peaceful than believing that you are perfectly known and yet dearly loved by God."