"All things have been created through him and for him." - Colossians 1:16
Dear Lord Jesus, I know I do it every day. I wake up and act like all things have been created for me. This basic attitude is the source of all my self-made dreams, my irritations and my conflicts. I naturally think the world revolves around me. As stuck as I am, I am also ashamed of being this way. I am thankful for the sake of everyone else that I am wrong too. All things were created through you and for you. And you are the only One to be trusted with them all. You make all things work out for everyone's good. So, I step into your world today, for your purposes to accomplish your dreams. It feels so much more better to serve your much bigger plan than it did to serve myself. Thank you for rescuing me by your grace and resetting my dials. AMEN
"It is much more peaceful and satisfying to serve God than it is to serve ourselves."