Wednesday, October 24th


After teaching and healing people all day on Tuesday of his last week, ...41 Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. 42 But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few cents. - Mark 12:41-42

Dear Jesus, "It takes one to know one."  You were giving your whole life that week and you saw a poor widow who was rich in faith giving her all too.  Between you and her, I am confronted with amazing love and dedication.  When I compare you to my life I tremble.  It is too easy for me to give from my stash rather to give all I am and have to you.  I do want to give it all to you.  How that looks in my life right now is hard for me to tell.  If I give it one way here, then I cannot give it another way there.  But in my heart I want to give it.  So, give me the strength to let go of anything and everything for you and give me the wisdom to know what that looks like.  And also, please bring many people all over the world to your houses of worship this Easter weekend and strengthen the men and women who are preparing messages for them to speak the sure hope and true peace of your resurrection from the dead.  AMEN

 "We cannot afford not to give that which we cannot keep." - Jim Elliot