Further up and Further in: Galatians 4:1-7
1 Peter 1:12 It was revealed to them that they were not serving themselves, but you.
Lord Jesus, these two little words comfort me so much: “for you.” In fact, these two little words overwhelm me when I think about the magnitude of what they mean and say. The prophets preached and wrote. But those words about Jesus, those words that tell of his sufferings and his glory, were actually for me! That means that all 39 books of the Old Testament are FOR ME. The prophets were preaching FOR ME. The prophets were writing FOR ME! And it’s not just them. Jesus came for ME too. Though I know my sin and though he knows my sin, he came FOR ME to rescue me from it. Though I am just one among many people over many millennia, Jesus, you had me in our mind and you can FOR ME and took my place on the cross. You suffered hell FOR ME. You reign in heaven FOR ME. Your eyes, Lord Jesus, are on the sparrow. You know every hair of my head. You know me and you care about me. Oh, Lord Jesus, how precious to me are your thoughts. Amen.