Praise God for new birth.



The Christian life is hard.  That much is already clear as we have begun our walk through 1 Peter.  He’s writing to a group of people who have been exiled and driven from their homes.  It’s hard to praise God in the storm.  It’s hard to see what God is doing when it’s raining outside, when the waves are crashing over the side of the boat, when waves are driving us below the surface of the water.  In this section of Peter that we’ll cover this week, Peter leads us in a overflowing song of praise God for his eternal work in our life.  We’ll praise God for his work in our life from the very infancy of our faith, even from the very infancy of our lives.  We’ll praise God for his work in our life through the trials that refine our faith.  We’ll even learn to rebound with inexpressible joy because all this means that we’re about to see and receive that salvation of our souls. Soon – yes, very soon – we will be receiving the goal of our faith, the salvation of our souls.


Further up and further in: John 3, Romans 6, Ephesians 5, Galatians 3:26-27

Verse: 1 Peter 1:3 – Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Because in his great mercy he has given us new birth. CSB

Prayer: Dear Lord God, my baptism is such a gift to me.  It did for me and for my soul what nothing else could ever do for me.  It raised me from the depths of spiritual death and raised me up for a new life.  Instead of grave clothes and filthy rags, my baptism clothes me in Christ.  Most and best of all, my baptism brings me into your family so that now I get to call you, God, my dear Father in heaven.  Father, hear my prayer today.  Whatever this day brings, whatever hardship, trouble, or challenge or joy, lead me to praise you for this new birth that you’ve given me.  My baptism is one of your greatest gifts to me.  Lead me to praise you for this new birth whatever today brings.  Amen.