I am sanctified.

Genesis 17-19, Psalm 2


Further up and further in: Romans 8:28-30, Acts 17

Verse: Acts 17:27 – He did this so that they might seek God, and perhaps they might reach out and find him, though he is not far from each one of us. CSB.

Prayer: Lord God, you have carefully arranged all my days to carry out your plans for me.  Nothing is outside of your control or your guiding.  You put me when I am, in this particular time of history.  You put me where I am, in this family, in this community, in this church.  You even put particular people in my life to impact me and so that I might impact them.  Lord Jesus, help me to see your hand in all of this.  Use me when and where you will so that others might be made holy by your Son, Jesus, through faith.  Use them when and where you will, so that I will be found in Jesus and be saved by him.  Most of all, Father, I am thankful for your plan that has brought to this day in the faith.  Thank you for the people that you put in my path, who have told me about Jesus.  Thank you for the people, whom you place in my path that I can tell them about Jesus.  Keep on working in my life and through my life so that many more people might be saved.  Amen.