Colossians 1:1-15, Colossians 2, Job 22-24
Colossians 1:17 – and he is before all things and in him all things hold together.
Lord God, sometimes I feel like I have to be the one to keep it together, like I’ve got to be the glue holding my family together, like I’ve got to be the connecting piece keeping the church together. I often feel the pressure to keep things moving and to keep things rolling. I often feel the burden of handling things. Lord Jesus, this isn’t mine to handle or my burden to carry. You’ve been things longer; actually, you’ve been doing this for all eternity. You’ve been doing this longer than I’ve even been alive. In fact, you existed before there was a “here”. And through all these years, you’ve handled everything and you’ve always had it under control. Your Word declares that you are the one who holds it all together. Lord Jesus, you can handle whatever I or anything else in all creation throws at you. You will hold it all together; that’s who you are and that’s what you do. You will care for my family, my church, my community. You have been and you will. Help me to trust you more. Grant peace and rest to my soul because you have this handled. Amen.