Philippians 3:8 – Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus, my Lord. For his sake, I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish in order that I may gain Christ.
Lord God, it is tempting for me to find value and meaning in so many things besides you. I like to keep score. I like to keep score of all the things that I’ve done seemingly well. I like to keep track of all the things that other people seem to do quite poorly. And then I compare the score. It’s easy for me to keep track like this and feel like I’m doing pretty well. It’s easy for me to take credit for and find my joy in value in the things that I do. It’s easy for me to be built up by the pats on the back, by the congratulations, even by the thanks for a job well done. But Lord Jesus, your apostle, is teaching me to guide my heart and my mind to count even the best of the things that I do as garbage and rubbish. Even the best things that I do, he wants me to think of them as rubbish because that’s what they are when you set them right next to your righteousness. My deeds are so measly and worthless next to your works, O Christ. Your works are pure in every way. Your works are saving in every way. And my works are thoroughly corrupted by my sinful motives. And my works, even if they might manage to be pure could never save me. Lord Jesus, give me your Spirit so that I think about my works less and your works more. Help me to keep no track of my activity and to notice well all of your activity. Help me to throw all my works in the trash that I might see and hold tightly onto you, O Christ. Amen.