The Lord Needs It

Matthew 21:1-22, 1 Chronicles 1

Matthew 21:3 – If anyone says anything to you, you should say, “The LORD needs them,” and he will send them at once.

Father, in heaven you have given me so much.  I just glance around the room in front of me and the bounty of your goodness to me is astounding.  I look at the house in which I’m sitting and I am filled with thanks.  I look at the computer on which I’m writing this and I am filled with wonder.  I see my wife, my children, my clothes and my shoes.  I see my health.  I see my cars sitting in the garage and parked on the driveway.  I look into a pantry filled with good food and a refrigerator with leftovers for days. I consider how you have made me, fearfully and wonderfully, just as I am. You made me unique and gave me gifts and abilities.  All this and more is a gift from your hand.  And it’s all from you.  Thank you, Father!  Lord Jesus, help me to remember that these things that my Father has given me are simply entrusted to me that I might use them for you and for your kingdom.  When you need it, you want me to give and you want me to use it. I often forget the purpose for which you gave me all these things.  I often forget the purpose which you made me, with all my abilities, to fulfill.  I think it’s all about me and it’s all for me.  But really, it’s for you.  You need the things in my life to seek the good of your eternal kingdom, just like you needed that donkey to fulfill the Scriptures on Palm Sunday. You need my offerings to support the work of your church on earth.  You need my abilities to serve the people in my life and to make the church on earth operate.  You need the things in my life for your kingdom.  You need me to live my life for your kingdom.  Help me hear your voice calling me in this verse saying to me about all the things in my life, “The Lord needs it.”  And help me send them at once, not clinging to them, but letting them go for your sake.  It’s all yours anyway, dear Lord.  Amen.