2 Kings 22:11 – When the king heard the words of the Book of the Law, he tore his clothes.
Lord God, the people of Judah had fallen so far from you, so far from your word, so far from obeying you both in heart and in action. In your mercy, you gave Josiah to them and you gave him a repentant heart when he heard your word which had been long been hidden from him and the people. He heard what you said and it broke his heart. Lord God, grant the same repentance to me and to my leaders. If they are going to lead us in true reformation and in a true mission for the kingdom, then their hearts must be broken and repentant before you. Lead them to seek the Scriptures and to repent when they hear it and study it. But don’t just break their hearts, lead them to find joy in forgiveness and cleaning. Lead them to find hope in your promises. Don’t just break them, mend them by the power of your Word so that they are raised up by your Spirit to lead your church into your Word and then out into the community with that Word. Breathe life into their bones by your Word and by your forgiveness that they might have a fire for your Word. Let it burn in their souls so that they will not keep quiet, but will constantly share the truth in word and action. Lord, I need this reformation too. But I pray, first for my leaders that you would give it to them so that they might lead me to it. Amen.