Foxes have holes. Birds have nests. But the Son of Man has no pillow.
Matthew 8:19-20 – And a scribe came up to and said to him, “Teacher, I will follow you wherever you go.” And Jesus said to him, “Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.”
Lord Jesus, we long for security and safety. We long for a place to lay our heads, a place to call home. We long for a resting place, a place where we can find refuge. But Lord Jesus, you didn’t have that on this earth. As you went out and about your ministry, you didn’t even have the security that the foxes and sparrows have. You didn’t even have a place to lay your head, while they have, at the very least, holes and nests. But that doesn’t mean that you weren’t security and didn’t have a place to rest your heart. You may not have had a place to rest your head, but you did have a place where you rested your heart. You rested your heart in the bosom of your Father in heaven; in his arms you were secure, safe, and at peace. Like a weaned child in the arms of its mother, so your soul rested in the arms of your Father. Lord Jesus, I am like this scribe. I want to follow you wherever you go. I want to follow wherever you lead. First, help me understand the cost. Help me understand that following you means leaving behind a safety, security and peace in this world. It means taking up my cross, denying myself and my wants, so that I might go where you go. Then, help me rest where you rest. Teach me not to long for rest on a pillow or in a house, though in mercy you may give me those things. Help me find the true Sabbath rest for my soul. Give me rest for my heart on the bosom of my Father. Make my soul like a weaned child in the arms of its mother, content to be with you, content to rest in your arms, finding safety and security there along. A pillow can grant no greater rest than this rest for my soul. Grant it to me, dear Lord. Amen.