1 Samuel 14:6 – It may be that the LORD will work for us, for nothing can hinder the LORD from saving by many or by few.
Lord God, this is such a great reminder when I’m afraid because I don’t have numbers on my side. This is such a confidence that Jonathan has as he steps into a battle in which he is vastly outnumbered. But here is a great promise and a great trust. O God, you promise that you alone are more than strong enough and more than wise enough for any and every situation no matter how terrible the odds may be. You don’t need a lot of numbers to get it done. You just need me to go and do the work you’ve called me to do. And you use me. And if you want to use more people than just me, that’s great. But that doesn’t make the victory more mine or more ours if we have more people. You teach us that lesson through Gideon and his dwindling troops. So, Lord, also teach me to trust you fully and to boast in you alone. Victory isn’t found in the wit of my wisdom or the strength of our numbers. It’s only found in you. Teach me, Lord, to trust you fully and then to go out with great confidence and boldness because of your great power and love. Amen.