Psalm 45:4 – In your majesty ride triumphantly in the cause of truth, humility, and justice. May your right hand show your awe-inspiring acts.
Lord Jesus, this weekend we remember how you came into Jerusalem, humble, meek, riding on a donkey. On the one hand, it is a picture of might as the crowds praise and acclaim you king. On the other hand, however, as we follow you we see your weakness as you submit to the will of sinful men. It is because of this day that I am not afraid of the day when you will come victoriously to bring truth and justice. You will not tread me under your feet as if I were a grape. Instead, you will come victoriously to make all things right again. You will bring truth where there are lies. You will bring rescue to the afflicted and humiliated. You will bring justice and righteousness to all. I long for this day, O Savior. Come! Ride on in majesty and make all things right again. Until that day, dear Savior King, use me and your Word to bring truth where falsehoods and lies exist. Use me as your hands and feet to bring help and comfort to the afflicted. Use me as your agent to bring yoru righteousness to the nations so that all may know your saving name, so that none will be crushed in your final coming. Come, Lord Jesus. You are my King and I long for your coming. Amen.