Deuteronomy 2:7 – These forty years the LORD your God has been with you. You have lacked nothing.
Lord God, history is such a valuable thing. As you take your people back and take a look back at their last forty years you taught them some valuable lessons. You led them to repentance for their failure to trust and follow you with a whole heart. You led to trust you for your faithfulness, for your power and for the victories you gave them, for your daily provision throughout their entire time in the wildnerness. My history is no less impressive. As I look back I can see in many ways how I have failed to trust and follow you with a whole heart. My priorities have been off. My life has been me-centric. I worry and don’t trust. I seek my kingdom and my ways instead of yours. And yet, God, just as you were faithful in the face of their unfaithfulness in the wilderness, so you have been faithful despite my faithlessness. You have been here the whole time forgiving, freeing, saving, shaping, guiding, providing. I look back and I see your gentle hand at work in my life. I look back and I see your disciplining hand at work in my life. I look back and I see your potter’s hand in my life. O God, you are good. My past shows me that its true. Help me to show your goodness in my future. Amen.