Much given. Much asked.

Luke 12:49-59, Numbers 32-33

Luke 12:48 – Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required; and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more.

Lord Jesus, so many things flood my mind when I ponder these words.  I condier all the things that you have given me and all the things with which you have entrusted.  You have both given me my family and entrusted their souls to my care.  You have both given me my church and entrusted their souls to my care.  You have both given me financial resources and entrusted their management to me for your kingdom and glory.  You have both given me knowledge, insight, and understanding and entrusted me with your Word so that souls might be fed, nourished and saved by those words.  You have given me so much. You have entrusted to me people who have eternal value in your sight.  I am filled with awe to consider the gifts and the trust given me.  I am filled with sorrow because I have not managed these gifts well or handled the trust properly.  I have not always provided the love and care that my trust requires.  I have thought more about myself than about those whom you put in my path to love.  I have thought more about my good than their good. I am sorry for my failures to handle the trust given me.  And yet you still give and you still entrust!  I am in awe again!  You love me, forgive me, and entrust again!  Help me to live and work with a new energy to manage well what you’ve given me, to carry out the trust that you have put into my hands, and to do the work.  Help me to live a life worthy of the calling you have given me.  Amen.