One Thing

Luke 11:27-54, Numbers 27-29

Luke 11:28 – But he said, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it.”

Lord Jesus, you always have a way of setting people straight, even me. That’s what you’re doing in this section of Scripture.  People thought that who they were in this world mattered eternally.  People thought that the traditions that they followed and the life that they lived mattered eternally. They thought that this is what made them blessed.  I find in myself the same things.  I find myself treasuring things here and now.  I find myself valuing things I accomplish and positions I hold.  I find myself boasting about traditions and obedience.  But you corrected me and turn me back. You set me straight.  The blessed life is one where I hear your word and guard it’s truths in my heart.  Your Word is what gives me eyes to see my nature rightly and clearly.  Your Word is what helps me see you, O God, clearly.  Your Word alone is what gives me my identity and helps me see what that identity really is.  Your Word is what guides my footsteps in that identity.  Your Word gives me life.  Your Word gives me eternity.  Lord Jesus, help me to hear and treasure, guard and keep that Word as the one thing that really matters in my life.  It is the one thing that shows and gives me the blessed life.  Amen.