God's Story Matters

Romans 14 – 15:13, Exodus 9-11

Romans 15:4 – For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures, we might have hope.

O God, the story of your people and your governance of them together with all the nations is not just a historical record.  You wrote down your history so that we might know the story of your people and more importantly the record of your work in the world.  And we learn so much!  We see your patience as you deal with your stubborn people and your power as you rescue from desperate situations.  We see your faithfulness even when there is tremendous faithlessness.  We see you carry your people as a father carries his son.  We see your ways and your works.  O God, this fills me with such hope!  Because you, O God, are still the same today. You are still at work in the same ways today.  You are still keeping your promises today.  Your ways are still the same.  Your faithfulness is still the same.  The circumstances, the dates, the places, and the people all change.  But you, O God, stay the same.  Fill me, O OGod, with joy and peace as I believe in you.  Pour out your Holy Spirit on me that I may overflow with hope by that same Spirit.  Your story gives me constant and hopeful expectation.  Give it to me more and more, O God.  Amen.