Romans 4:20-21 – He grew strong in his faith… fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised.
O God, you are able to do all things, yes, to do anything. You created the heavens and the earth. You called things that were not into existence. You stretched out the sky and stopped the water at the shoreline. You even gave Abraham in his old age a son. You can do anything. And yet, we can be so dumb; I can be so dumb. I look to myself as the one who can handle and accomplish things. I turn to created things as my hope and my confidence instead of you, the one who created all things. I can be so dumb. Forgive me. You are the only One who can do what you promise. You are the only One who can do what you promise. You are the only One who can create. Give me a faith like Abraham’s so that I will trust you even though it seems impossible or unlikely. And when all seems hopeless, remind me that it is not. You are the God who calls life out of death, who makes things exist that didn’t exist before. You only are God and you alone can do it. Amen.