Zechariah 8:4-5 – Thus says the LORD of hosts: Old men and women shall again sit on the streets of the Jerusalem, each with a staff in hand because of great age. And the streets of the city shall be full of boys and girls playing in the streets.
Lord God, such a vision of my eternal future you lay out here. As I look back to the good ol’ days, I have images just like this painted in my mind. I see old men and women sitting on the front porches sipping on sweet tea. I hear children laughing and playing in the streets. Those were good days. The future will be better. Lord God, I can’t wait for the days when health and strength will be fully and completely restored. My health will be better and my strength will be greater than my best days on earth. I won’t ever need a cane because my health will be so fully restored. And instead, I’ll laugh in the streets with the kids. I’ll be part of the stick ball game. And it will be good. I can’t wait for those days when you’ll wake me from the grave and take me to your side, to an eternity in heaven with you. Lord Jesus Christ, make me extremely useful during my days of this earth. And at the same time, lift up my eyes to my home in heaven when I will rejoice in joys unspeakable. Amen.