“As for God, his way is perfect: The LORD’s word is flawless; he shields all who take refuge in him.” Psalm 18:30
Dear Heavenly Father, It’s so easy to make my prayer an arm twisting routine. I twist your arm to get you to run my life the way I think it should go. The psalmist puts me in the right frame of mind. Your way is perfect. Your word is flawless and you just want me to take refuge in you without thinking I have to tell you what you are missing down here. Oh, Lord you have worked out so many problems in my life and made them turn out for my good. You have blessed me on top of blessings. I will take refuge in you and look for the ways you will bless me through anything coming my way whether it looks bad or good at the beginning. Give me the optimism that faith brings. Hold me behind your shield and take care of all people. Amen. God did make our hearts big enough to handle the burden of worry. But they are big enough to handle the burden of faith