Thursday, July 6th

“As for God, his way is perfect: The LORD’s word is flawless; he shields all who take refuge in him.” Psalm 18:30

Dear Heavenly Father, It’s so easy to make my prayer an arm twisting routine. I twist your arm to get you to run my life the way I think it should go. The psalmist puts me in the right frame of mind. Your way is perfect. Your word is flawless and you just want me to take refuge in you without thinking I have to tell you what you are missing down here. Oh, Lord you have worked out so many problems in my life and made them turn out for my good. You have blessed me on top of blessings. I will take refuge in you and look for the ways you will bless me through anything coming my way whether it looks bad or good at the beginning. Give me the optimism that faith brings. Hold me behind your shield and take care of all people. Amen. God did make our hearts big enough to handle the burden of worry. But they are big enough to handle the burden of faith

Wednesday, July 6th

“As you come to him, a living stone-rejected by people but chosen and honored by God...” 1 Peter 2:4

Dear Lord Jesus, There is such a range of reactions to you. There is no hot or cold. You are either loved or hated. People either hate you and push your salvation off to the side because they want to do it themselves. Or, people love you because you have done all the work of saving them. And that’s why you’re so precious God. In fact, that’s why God chose you and set you apart. God chose you and set you apart to be the world’s Savior. Keep me, O Jesus, from being indifferent and uncaring about your salvation. Keep me from becoming lukewarm to you and your cross. Keep me from a “meh” feeling about you. You are precious to God and so your salvation is precious to me. Warm my heart by your love to me that my faith and my life might be built on your work for me. Amen.

Tuesday, July 5th

“Like newborn infants, desire the pure milk of the word, so that you may grow up in your salvation.” 1 Peter 2:2

Lord God, You never want to leave me in the same place in my walk of faith. You take me just as I am, but you never leave me that way. While my salvation is full and complete, my sanctification and walk of faith is incomplete and ongoing. Give me the same craving, yearning and longing for the good food of your word that a new-born baby has. When they’re hungry, they’re hungry and only food will quiet their rumbling stomach. Give me the same craving and yearning that a newborn baby has so that every day, every week, every Sunday, I might long for the food of your word. And by that Word, dear Lord, grow me in my faith just as you do with little children. Grow me up and keep growing me up in my faith until my final breath. Amen.

Saturday, July 2nd

“Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice, all deceit, hypocrisy, envy and all slander.” 1 Peter 2:1

Lord God, When you came in to my life, you were ruthless in your clean-up efforts. In fact, you utterly killed and destroyed the old me and by the power of your Word raised up a brand new me, holy and clean. This wasn’t just a house refurb project; this was a total rebuild from the foundation up. You were utterly ruthless in getting rid of sin in me; you got rid of it all, forgiving me wholly and completely. Lord God, give me the same zeal and ruthlessness in my life to thoroughly root out of my life all kinds of sin. It’s too easy for me to become complacent and even blind to sins in my life. Get rid of this complacency in my heart and life and make me zealous to thoroughly root out sin and live for you. Amen.

Friday, July 1st

“Who is going to harm you if you are eager to do good? But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. ‘Do not fear their threats; do not be frightened.’ But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander. For it is better, if it is God’s will, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil. For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive in the Spirit.” 1 Peter 3:13-18

Dear Jesus, I clap my hands and praise you for loving the people who were torturing you, but then I shrink in fear and nurse a grudge when you let me suffer the slightest insult from another. I wonder what great damage their words and actions will cause me and it fills my mind with anxiety. This word from your ApostlePeter calms my worried soul. He tells me to commit myself to doing good, to speak graciously, and act lovingly toward even my enemies. Nothing can make me a victim unless I let it. I always am the protagonist when I am armed with your love. I always have something I can do. I can speak kindly to my persecutors, speak well of your name and leave lasting memories in their hearts to work on their repentance. I can use their sin against me to bring them to your Father, just like you did. Oh, Jesus, make me a champion of grace in the face of suffering for doing the right thing. Amen. Even the greatest injustice can be turned into the greatest good when you follow Jesus’ lead

Thursday, June 30th

“For all flesh is like grass and all its glory like a flower of the grass. The grass withers, and the flower falls, but the word of the Lord endures forever.” 1 Peter 1:24-25

Dear Lord God, When I was first born into this world, I was born to die. From the moment I first took a breath, I was on my way to the grave. From a buggy with wheels to a wheelchair, that’s the trajectory of my life. I'm just like a flower, God, here today and tomorrow thrown into the fire. But God, when your Word entered my life, everything changed. Your Word breathed new life into my soul. Your Word, which endures forever and never fades away gave me new life and now I am eternal. Now, I will live forever because your Word has given me its eternal character. Now, I will endure forever in heaven with you because your Word has given me this life. Thank you, God, for sending your Word into my life that I might be yours forever. Amen.

Wednesday, June 29th

“Because you have been born again-not of perishable seed but of imperishable-through the living and eternal word of God.” 1 Peter 1:23

Lord Jesus, I should be different in this world. I should stand out in this world of lovelessness. I should stand out in this world of selfishness. Without me even saying a word people should know that I’m yours and you’re mine. But do they? Can they see that I’m different? Do I stand out in this world? Sadly, they often can’t tell that I’m yours. In fact, when I tell them they might even be surprised because of the way that I talk and the way that I act. Lord Jesus, forgive me. Remind me that I have been born again of the imperishable seed ofGod’s Word. I am different. My rebirth by your Word makes me different. Forgive me and help me to stand out as a light in this dark world. Amen

Tuesday, June 28th

“Since you purified yourselves by your obedience to the truth, so that you show sincere brotherly love to each other, from a pure heart, love one another constantly.” 1 Peter 1:22

Lord God, We live in a world that doesn’t know how to love, not purely, not selflessly. And I’m not much different. We love other people because of what we get from them. We love other people because of the way that this relationship benefits us. When it doesn't benefit us in some way, the relationship often quickly dissolves because it doesn’t serve my ends or my goals anymore. Lord God, if this was the way pure love was, would you love me? What in the world do you get out of me and out of a relationship with me? If I’m honest, Lord God, you get nothing from me but sin and rebellion. Lord God, but you love me anyway and have purified me by your son Jesus. Give me a heart of selfless, pure love for the people around me. Make me selfless in my love. Make my love for them enduring and never-ending. By your love, inspire me to love them even when and especially when I get no love in return. This is how you loved me. Teach me to love you the same. Amen.

Monday, June 27th

“The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? ‘I the Lord search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what theirdeeds deserve.’” Jeremiah 17:9-10

Dear Heavenly Father, I hear so many voices telling me to follow my heart. To me that sounds pretty good, until I consider that my heart has often led to me to seek revenge, use sarcasm, gossip, lust and a few hundred other vices. Oh, how often I have deceived myself! You O Lord, see every twisted thought in my heart and you understand its origin and motive. In this passage I hear your pure and frightening law. If it were not that I knew your grace also I would run from its light like a cockroach hiding from your presence. I am very thankful that you deal both honestly and graciously with me. You reserve the right to deal with me as my deeds deserve. That humbles and scares me. But you have chosen to make your law get in line behind your grace. You gave Jesus what my deeds deserved. Then you use your law to discipline and tame me. But your gospel is what enlivens and saves me. You are like my loving earthly father who always had a place for me in his heart and home but if I needed it, he would correct me, even sometimes severely. He would help me be honest with myself and everyone else. Help me see what you see about the deceit in my heart so I can be honest with myself, repent of it and live in the light of truth and grace. Amen. When we are honest with God and ourselves, everyone around us will be refreshed

Saturday, June 25th

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Dear Jesus, Thank you for this clear, rubber meets the road, insight on what you want from me today. You want me to encourage people and build them up. I get that. Thanks for noticing too that I am doing it already. But I know I can do better. Help me deal with the negative thoughts and criticisms when they come. They seem so provoking and they are so unfruitful. Show me the strengths of others, even the little things the folks around me are doing right and then give me the selflessness to take time to text or tell them “Great job.”Amen. Complimenting someone costs nothing and yields great rewards for both of you.

Friday, June 24th

“He did this so that they might seek God, and perhaps they might reach out and find him, though he is not far from each one of us.” Acts 17:27

Lord God, You have carefully arranged all my days to carry out your plans for me. Nothing is outside of your control or your guiding. You put me when I am, in this particular time of history. You put me where I am, in this family in this community, in this church. You even put particular people in my life to impact me and so that I might impact them. Lord Jesus, help me to see your hand in all of this. Use me when and where you will so that others might be made holy by your Son, Jesus, through faith. Use them when and where you will, so that I will be found in Jesus and be saved by him. Most of all, Father, I am thankful for your plan that has brought to this day in the faith. Thank you for the people that you put in my path, who have told me about Jesus. Thank you for the people, whom you place in my path that I can tell them about Jesus. Keep on working in my life and through my life so that many more people might be saved. Amen

Thursday, June 23rd

“Dear friends, I urge you as strangers and exiles to abstain from sinful desires which wage war against your soul.” 1 Peter 2:11

Lord Jesus, It’s really hard not to fit in. It’s hard not to belong. And I don’t think I really understand how real the struggle is. I’ve never been the outsider. I’ve hardly ever been in the minority. I’ve never been an alien in a strange new country, a refugee forced to flee from my home. But, Jesus, that’s what it is to be a Christian. it means that I am a stranger here because heaven is my home. It means that my values are radically different than the values of the world. It means that my priorities in life are radically different than everyone else. Lord God, help to resist fitting in. Lead me to live as your child, an alien and a stranger in this world. Amen

Wednesday, June 22nd

“I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge-that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.” Ephesians 3:17-19

Dear Jesus, I join Paul in praying that your people, especially the ones I know, would set aside their busy activity and rest quietly contemplating your love for them. Help them to realize your complete and full forgiveness that was purchased with your very life. Give them the power to let go of every single bad decision and moral failure they have ever committed. Help them realize that their troubles do not mean you are indifferent or cold toward them. Let them see that in every blessing there is a hug from you, a confirmation that you love them. When they step out to face the world, make them confident because they know you have their back without condemnation. Make them secure and peace-filled because they are wrapped in your love.Amen.God’s love empowers people to live life to the fullest

Tuesday, June 21st

“But as the one who called you is holy, you also are to be holy in all your conduct; for it is written, ‘Be holy, because I am holy.“ 1 Peter 1:15-16

Lord God, You have called me to this new life. You have made me holy by the blood of your Son, Jesus. You have dressed me in the finest clothes. And yet, like a child wearing their Sunday best who goes to play in the muck and dirt, my mind, my thoughts, and my life gravitates toward the dirty and the sinful. I find myself dirty in sin! Lord Jesus, help me to remember who I am as your holy child, who is dearly loved. Help me to keep my life, my thoughts, my words, yes, help me to keep myself clean. You, Lord God, are holy and you have called me to be holy in my whole life. Help me to do this, dear Father in heaven. Amen.

Monday, June 20th

“Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord.” Leviticus 19:18

Dear Jesus, I am too coy to outwardly seek revenge against someone. Mine is more subversive. I can turn the cold shoulder, ignore their needs, make them suffer alone, simply because I’m put out with them. Your Spiritconvicts me that this is wrong. Open my heart to love my enemies and to avoid making family and friends pay for their neglect or coarse behavior. Instead make me honest, loving, committed to generosity and forgiving. Help me get over myself and my endless need to be coddled by sinners. Help me give them lots of room for mistakes so I show them what grace is like.Amen.Letting go of another fault is profoundly Christlike.

Saturday, June 18th

“But the seed falling on good soil refers to someone who continues to hear the word and understands it. This isthe one who produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.” Matthew 13:23

Dear Jesus, I want to continue hearing your word and understanding it for myself and others. I want to be able to speak it with meaning to my spouse, children, and friends. I want my friends to learn your word from conversations with me. I want to react better to situations and let my light shine instead of spread the byproducts of my sinful nature. I want the peace, hope and love that the gospel releases to emanate from my life. Make this happen by your Holy Spirit so I produce seeds that will produce more seeds many years after I’m gone. Make my life count for you, oh Jesus. Amen. God’s word produces good things whenever it lands in a heart softened by grace and truth.

Friday, June 17th

“If you appeal to the Father who judges impartially according to each one’s work, you are to conduct your lies in reverence during your time living as strangers.” 1 Peter 1:17

Lord God, I don’t often take you seriously enough. I don’t often take your commands and your direction for my conduct with all the seriousness that you demand. There are some commands that I take into my heart and honor with all my heart. But there are others that I put off to the side. Thinking back, I find that the ones that condemn other people I take to heart because then I catch them in their sin, but the ones that catch me in my sin I don’t take seriously enough. Lord God, you don’t play like that. You don’t play favorites. You judge each one of us impartially according to the life each one of us lives. You judge us only by the same standard and the same commands. Forgive me, Father, for not listening carefully to all that you’ve told me. Forgive me and help me to take all of your word into my heart and to work at doing it. Amen.“Therefore, we should fear his anger and not disobey what he commands.”Martin Luther

Thursday, June 16th

“For you know you were redeemed from your empty way of life inherited from your fathers, not with perishable things like silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of an unblemished and spotless lamb.” 1 Peter 1:18-19

Lord Jesus, What a price you paid! When God demanded blood for my failure to obey him you shed all your blood. When God demanded payment for the sins of all people, dear Son of God, you gave your life. You are truly God and full man. And you, dear God-man, you stepped into the scales of justice to make the greatest payment that has ever been paid. The redemption price for me and for all the world was the holy, innocent, and divine blood of Jesus! What a price you paid forme dear Jesus! Thank you. Amen.

Wednesday, June 15th

“He was foreknown before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for you.” 1 Peter 1:20

Lord God, I continue to marvel at my Redeemer, my Savior, and your plan. You knew that he would be theworld’’s Savior before the creation of the world. You hid in him your quiver until just the right time. By his life and by the preaching of the apostles you made him known to the world. Through your Word and through preachers and teachers today you have even made him known to me. He is great and your plan is great. O God, my heart stands in awe of my redemption, of my Redeemer, and your plan that made it all happen. O God, you are truly great. Amen.

Tuesday, June 14

“Through him you believe in God, who raised him from the dead and gave Him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God.” 1 Peter 1:21

Lord God, The power and glory of the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead gives me such hope for my future, such hope for my life, such hope for my eternity. Your resurrection, Lord Jesus, assures me that you have finished the work of salvation and have secured for me the forgiveness of sins. Your resurrection, LordJesus, shows me that you have conquered death and have overcome every enemy of mine. Your power, O God, which is so evident when I see you raise your Son from the dead raises up hope in me that there is nothing beyond your control. You are on my side! Nothing can separate me from you. Let the hope that springs from your resurrection, Lord Jesus, inspire me this week as I work for you. Amen.